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1871: Great Chicago Fire

Created for the 150th anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire, this Chicago
Made with the support of the Future Museum Media Innovation Studio (fmmis.org)
Web portal |
1893: World's Columbian Exposition

We follow a path from the White City (today, the site of Jackson Park), along the Midway Plaisance, and up onto the Ferris Wheel. The experience has been released as a web portal with 16 VR sites, and a gallery of almost 90 historic images, never before brought together in this way. The centerpiece is a reconstruction of the 1893 Ferris Wheel experience using VR drone videography, 3D architectural animations, and over a dozen photos taken from the wheel in 1893.
This Chicago
Our Process
As part of the 1893 project, we conducted an extensive evaluation of the Chicago
You can read more about this process in the executive summary, here: Our Process
Web portal |
1968: The DNC Protests

Released on the 50th anniversary of the events, this episode reveals the history of Chicago's Grant Park on August 28th, 1968, when protestors violently clashed with police during the final night of the Democratic National Convention.
The 15 minute 3D VR tour with narration has to be viewed on Youtube or on Facebook 360. On iPhone use the YouTube app; on desktop the Chrome browser. 360 stills can be explored in Google Street View.
Videos | Web portal |

A unique tour of the fleeting and sensational city within a city that attracted nearly 50 million visitors to the shores of Lake Michigan in the midst of the Great Depression, the VR tour can be viewed in Youtube or with the free app which includes a gallery of more than 60 captioned photographs. 360 stills can be previewed in Google Streetview.

The award winning VR experience, Chicago
Featuring selections from the Chicago History Museum, Chicago Tribune Archive, John Binder Collection, and Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office, the narrated immersive, interactive experiences work with or without a virtual reality viewer, and put the user in the shoes of the photographers who captured this infamous moment in Chicago history. The app offers the ability to zoom-in to examine individual photos and learn more with extensive text captions.

On July 24, 1915, the passenger ship SS Eastland capsized in the Chicago River between Clark and LaSalle streets: the single largest loss of life in Chicago history. Chicago
The app, a free download for iPhone and Android, provides an AR tour specifically designed to be used along Chicago’s riverwalk, and a VR Gallery of images that can be viewed anywhere. Together they reveal the story of the disaster in a new and visceral way.

Created for display on the Media Stream 150— the largest screen in Chicago, spanning 3,000+ square feet in the lobby of the 150 North Riverside Tower— Chicago
Five decades of Chicago architectural history are pulled apart and then stitched back together into ever-morphing composites of the city’s remarkable architectural legacy, forming a 20 minute UUHD video installation.
CHICAGO ØØ came about through the meeting of two Chicagoans at a museum technologies conference in Korea. In 2013, John Russick, the Vice President for Interpretation and Education at the Chicago History Museum, and Geoffrey Alan Rhodes, filmmaker and a professor of art and design, began an ongoing conversation about the promise of augmented and virtual reality for museums and archives. This conversation led to collaboration in a series of prototypes and demonstrations of app-based augmented reality history experiences, that have become an ongoing series of published projects available for free to the community.
The project is named after the corner of State and Madison Streets where the city’s street numbering begins, the site where the first Chicago
From the beginning Chicago
- To activate archives by creating history experiences outside the museum walls,
- To engage new communities by bringing those experiences to the places and communities where the stories occurred,
- To experiment by seeking out synergies between new media technology and old media content and create historical experiences beyond documentary films and coffee table books.
All Chicago
Project Credits
Conceived by Geoffrey Alan Rhodes and John Russick
Designed by Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
Major Funding The National Endowment for the Humanities The National Endowment for the Arts The Princess Grace Foundation USA
Additional Support The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago00 : 1871 Great Chicago Fire (2021)
Lead Historical Researcher Carl Smith
Narrated by Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
Script and Captions Carl Smith
Historical Photographs Chicago History Museum
Other Historical Research Jojo Galvan Mora
Digital Painting Restoration Li Lu Yun (李绿云)
webXR Platform krpano.com
Special thanks to Library of Congress University of Detroit Mercy archives Heidi Samuelson Esther Wang Angela Hoover Katie Levi
Chicago00 : 1893 World's Columbian Exposition (2020)
Episode Specific Funding The National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor
Partner Institution Chicago Public Library
Historical Photographs & Documents Chicago History Museum Chicago Public Library, Special Collections The Art Institute of Chicago, Ryerson and Burnham Archives Brooklyn Museum Archives, Goodyear Archival Collection
Historical Audio Benjamin Ives Gilman 1893 World's Columbian Exposition collection, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
Aerial Drone Operations Aerovista Innovations
Panoramic Photography & Compositing Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
Web Portal Engineer Oliver Popadich
Ferris Wheel 3D Model & Animation Jacob Waas
Render Farm Support & Services RebusFarm
Web Portal Support Google For Non-Profits
Archival Research Kayla McCarthy
Text Kayla McCarthy Geoffrey Alan Rhodes Julius Jones Trevor Cunnien
Project Evaluation HG&Co
Advising Scholars Christopher Reed Marie Hicks Adam Mack Kyle Roberts
Special Thanks to: Megan Clark Angela Hoover Timothy Paton Jake Silby Brigid Kennedy Rosemary Adams Kevin Ryan
Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this video/web resource, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Chicago00 : 1968 DNC Protests (2019)
Narrated by Dr. David Farber, Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor, Modern America, University of Kansas Author of, "Chicago ’68" (University of Chicago Press, 1988)
Historical Photographs Chicago History Museum
Historical Audio "American Revolution 2: Battle of Chicago (Part 1)" (Chicago Film Group, 1969, 16mm., B&W, Sound) & "Urban Crisis and the New Militants: 'Social Confrontation: The Battle of Michigan Ave.'" (Chicago Film Group, 1968, 16mm., B&W, Sound) Courtesy of Chicago Film Archives.
Music By E. Robert Velazco, from: "The Distant Drummer: A Movable Scene," Arlie Pictures & The U.S. National Institute of Health (1970). Courtesy of, The Prelinger Archives
Panoramic Photography & Compositing Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
Web Portal Engineer Oliver Popadich
Lead Historical Researcher Trevor Cunnien
Other Historical Research and Gallery Captions Kayla McCarthy
Research Fellows Charlotte Rosen Alvita Akiboh
Project Intern María Camila Palacio
Additional Support Chabraja Center for Historical Studies Studs Terkel Center for Oral History
Special Thanks to: Julius Jones Angela Morris Timothy Paton Jr. Maxine Frendel
Chicago00 : A Century of Progress (2018)
Historical Photographs Chicago History Museum
Music "Shuffle Your Feet," Don Redman Orchestra with Harlan Lattimore Brunswick Race Records, 1933.
Script Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
Aerial Photography AeroVista Innovations
Panoramic Photography & Compositing Geoffrey Alan Rhodes Te Bao
Archival Image Research Trevor Cunnien
Special Thanks to: Angela Hoover Joseph Campbell Julius Jones
Chicago00 : St. Valentines Day Massacre (2017)
Historical Photographs & Documents Chicago History Museum Chicago Tribune Archive Photo/TNS The John Binder Collection Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office
Music "Pharoah's army got drowned," (unknown performer) Edison Diamond Disc, recorded July 9, 1924.
"Prelude in C sharp minor op. 3" Sergei Rachmaninoff Edison Diamond Disc, recorded March 12, 1920.
Text Trevor Cunnien Geoffrey Alan Rhodes John Russick Rosemary Adams
Panoramic Photography Geoffrey Alan Rhodes Xiaoting Che
Special Thanks to: Angela Hoover Joseph Campbell John Binder
Chicago00 : The Eastland Disaster (2016)
Graphic Design Tifa Ting Zhou
UI/UX Design Tifa Ting Zhou Xiaoting Che
Text Rosemary Adams David Hale Geoffrey Alan Rhodes John Russick
Panoramic Photography Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
Computer Science Research
Marco Cavallo and the Creative Coding Research Group,
University of Illinois-Chicago
Historical Photographs Chicago History Museum
AR Framework Kudan
Special Thanks to: Randy Adamsick Joseph Campbell Angus Forbes Angela Hoover Paulina Ramirez Magdalena Wistuba Rodrigo Zuloaga
Project Interns: Trevor Cunnien Yi Luan Ayesha Wadhawan Lucy Wang David Hale